Using concrete to build stuff goes back thousands of years. The Egyptians, the Romans and the Communists absolutely loved it. The history of building with structural precast panels is more recent… and Fabcon Precast has been on the cutting edge for almost all of it. Our relationship with Fabcon Precast dates back a-ways as well, to the turn of the century… much younger versions of Tom & Cara rebranded Fabcon and set the stage for more than 20 years of award-winning work.



Using concrete to build stuff goes back thousands of years. The Egyptians, the Romans and the Communists absolutely loved it. The history of building with structural precast panels is more recent… and Fabcon Precast has been on the cutting edge for almost all of it. Our relationship with Fabcon Precast dates back a-ways as well, to the turn of the century… much younger versions of Tom & Cara rebranded Fabcon and set the stage for more than 20 years of award-winning work.


“I hate that. I never want to see that again”
— The Client

But then we went rogue and went on to win both The Show and three MCA Awards.

If you spend any amount of time objectively learning about precast—but of course, you won’t—you’ll quickly come to the conclusion that it’s an amazing building material. It’s versatile, sustainable, high-performance, budget-friendly and precast structures go up incredibly fast. We’re not pointing fingers, but there are more than a couple of architects out there who find precast to be beneath them. Huh?! Getting commercial architects to give Fabcon a look pretty much sums up 20 years of marketing efforts. The cornerstone or maybe even the Rosetta Stone to this was a website that is as inspirational as it is informational.

Precast works for everyone.

When you know concrete inside and out.

When Fabcon expanded into precast restoration, repair and modification, Ostrom helped them leverage their brand cache and create instant credibility. Video has been a powerful tool online and in trade show settings.

And Kansas, and Washington D.C., and, and, and, and…
When a whole website is too much, we make customized little ones. We call them digital destinations but everyone else calls them landing pages. Dumb. Digital destinations are perfect for really honing in on your audience, like commercial architects living in Iowa, or manufacturing facilities general managers in the Midwest. Our digital destinations work hand-in-glove with equally surgical digital advertising campaigns that focus on specific pain points and drive visitors to a place that understands their pain, and knows how to make it go away.

Just for Iowa… and other short stories.

The What’s Next campaign asked a question and made a statement.
Precast concrete panels have been a commercial staple since the 1970s, but today’s panels are a far cry from their primitive ancestors. Ostrom Creative developed a multi-platform initiative that positioned Fabcon as the leader of present-day precast and the brand taking the technology to new places tomorrow… and the next day.

When an expert talks, people listen.
Fabcon’s sales organization is intelligent beyond belief, and Ostrom Creative believed putting their thoughts and opinions on the future of commercial construction front and center would be compelling and differentiating.

Help wanted… like everyone else.

As the world emerged from COVID times, manufacturers across the globe shared one common problem: labor. Nobody had enough people and it was costing Fabcon potential growth. Ostrom approached the challenge like it was a marketing campaign; identify the audience, boil down the message, get in front of the audience and get their attention.

The What’s Next campaign asked a question and made a statement.

Precast concrete panels have been a commercial staple since the 1970s, but today’s panels are a far cry from their primitive ancestors. Ostrom Creative developed a multiplatform initiative that positioned Fabcon as the leader of present-day precast and the brand taking the technology to new places tomorrow… and the next day.

When an expert talks, people listen.
Fabcon’s sales organization is intelligent beyond belief, and Ostrom Creative believed putting their thoughts and opinions on the future of commercial construction front and center would be compelling and differentiating.

As the world emerged from COVID times, manufacturers across the planet shared one common problem: labor. Nobody had enough people and it was costing Fabcon potential growth. Ostrom approached the challenge like it was a marketing campaign; identify the audience, boil down the message, get in front of the audience and get their attention.

Help wanted… like everyone else.

