
it’s your typical boy meets girl story.

Except, not at all.

long story


Like so many other global marketing juggernauts, Ostrom Creative’s story is simple enough…

You’ve heard it

a million times;

Boy meets girl… boy makes it big at girl’s parents’ agency… boy marries another… girl marries another… everybody gets divorced… boy leaves girl’s parents’ agency… boy starts agency… marries girl… boy flounders… girl saves boy and agency from professional and personal failure.

Life is messy and the forces that brought Ostrom Creative into existence are weird and unlikely. It’s that same serendipity that shapes our approach to creative problem solving.

⭑ Never look past the thing you deem improbable, it might be just the thing you need ⭑

With the perfect mix of left- and right-brain thinking, we’re always discovering new ways to approach challenges. Let’s just say that if we were lost in outer space… our team would find a way to get us home safely.

  • Raised by a pair of agency principles, Cara Ostrom was fed a steady diet of print production, color theory and strategy. After ascending to Creative Director at Olson, Cara joined her husband to get the fledgling Ostrom Creative on track. The Queen’s influence is felt in every aspect of the agency’s operation and she wields the right to behead whoever she chooses.

  • Meaghan Tobin is an import. We brought her into our industry and our agency because we knew she was fearless and would learn fast. At a time when we had more work than people, Meaghan jumped in with both feet and took control of the agency’s most critical accounts. As exemplified by her karaoke stage persona, Meaghan is a typical Rebel and immune to criticism. Her courage is contagious.

  • About the same time Milli Vanilli won a Grammy, Tom Ostrom started his creative career. Before founding Ostrom Creative in 2012, Tom spent time at Business Incentives and multiple iterations of Arnold | Ostrom. As office Jester, Tom keeps moods merry and facilitates an environment where laughter, irreverence and creativity can flourish.

  • Abby Anderson walked out of U of M’s commencement and claimed a seat at Ostrom Creative. After a brief internship, she assumed a full-time spot. Her ability to untangle knots (metaphorically) and keep the ball rolling (also a metaphor) make her a natural in client services. As the Caregiver, Abby is quick to help, but never to judge… except maybe Tom, who kinda deserves judgement.

  • A marketing lifer, Ryan Pederson has been around long enough to see the role of Client Services evolve and evolve again. Ryan continues to outpace it. When he joined us, we were a rowdy bunch and not much for process. Ryan turned that around. As a benevolent Ruler, Ryan levies and collects the taxes, wrangles the insolent, and brings order to the streets of Ostrom Creative. Somebody had to.

  • High art was Kate Segler’s thing at Drake University. Leave it to the OC to take something pure and sully it. Kate’s intrinsic abilities can take even the most mundane assignment to unexpected heights. If at all possible, Kate will make things pretty. Her professional innocence and artistic purity remind us all not to reject those things blasé, pedestrian and comic sans.

  • Brooke Watts carries a diverse skill set. She’s as gifted with a hammer and nail gun as she is with her Adobe Creative Suite. Her previous work on Target merchandising taught her to pound out tremendous amounts of work quickly, while her role as a mother has taught her to be kind with client services. As a Creator, her ability to bring her work to life is inspiring, not creepy… in a Frankenstein-way.


except, not at all.

Long Story Short(Ish)

Like so many other global marketing juggernauts, Ostrom Creative’s story is simple enough. 

You’ve heard it a million times;

Boy meets girl… boy makes it big at girl’s parents’ agency… boy marries another… girl marries another… everybody gets divorced… boy leaves girl’s parents’ agency… boy starts agency… marries girl… boy flounders… girl saves boy and agency from professional and personal failure.

Life is messy and the forces that brought Ostrom Creative into existence are weird and unlikely. It’s that same serendipity that shapes our approach to creative problem solving.

⭑ Never look past the thing you deem improbable, it might be just the thing you need ⭑


With the perfect mix of left- and right-brain thinking, we’re always discovering new ways to approach challenges. Let’s just say that if we were lost in outer space… our team would find a way to get us home safely.